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There are a number of factors that determine the course of action here.

Hazardous trees have very quick remedies by both the board and the city of Sammamish. The A.C.C. chair can give you permission on behalf of Timberline Park right away but you'll still need permission from the city of Sammamish. The city also requires permission be granted by the Timberline Park H.O.A. in order for them to issue a permit (this is new).

Healthy trees on your property need both A.C.C. approval from the board and a permit from the city. These are separate items so both approvals are needed. Timberline Park tends to follow the same guidelines as the city as to the size and type of tree that requires permitting and approval.

Please note that, in the State of Washington, homeowners that derive enjoyment from adjacent greenbelts bear the costs of protecting themselves from potential hazards from them. This includes damage from wildlife (the deer and rabbits are eating my garden) to hazardous trees.

The city has a page that is dedicated to tree removal and hazardous trees and can be found here.

More on hazardous trees:

The City of Sammamish finally addressed the confusing issue of tree removal in the update to the municipal code dated April 20th 2021. It now includes a provision where residents can remove an imminent threat without having to go to the city and wait for approval.

Please note that the homeowner bears the cost of removal if the adjacent green belt is not commonly shared with the rest of Timberline Park such as the land bridge). If you would like to look at the pertinent part of the new municipal code, click here. Please make sure that you read and follow these guidelines to make sure to avoid potential fines.

Be advised that you also still need to submit an A.C.C. request to remove a tree that is not an imminent threat.

To any of you that have had to deal with this issue in the past, you know that this is a very welcome relief to a frustrating situation.

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